Friday, August 23, 2013

Submit an Article to NCK - Readers! I Need Your Help!

Well - some of you may have noticed it's been a little more quiet around here than usual. For that I apologize! It's not for lack of chickenish things to write - the truth of the matter is that I have a severe form of tendonitis that is affecting my left hand and arm. In fact, I will be having surgery to fix the problem on Thursday, August 29th.

You may remember this photo from the article on the cracked egg?

Yeah - the nice thing about that brace is that I can take it off (like I did to write this... and like I pretty much do every day... all day... because it's hot, itchy, sweaty... and because the condition isn't going to get any better by wearing it.) 
Well - the doctor is on to me and my brace-shedding shenanigans.

When I wake up from surgery, I'm going to have a cast on my arm, and (unless I can find just the right tools) it will be there for 6 WEEKS!

So here is where YOU come in!

This blog has been built on the knowledge of many. I can not take credit for all the wonderful information out here - I rely on many guest bloggers and when I write articles myself, they are filled with information I have learned from others or from research I have done to satiate my own curiosity on certain subjects.

So - I need guest bloggers!!

Do you have an experience you'd like to share? Is there something you're curious about and want to research? Is there something you do for your chickens that you think others would like to know about? Do you have a neat chicken-related story you'd like to tell?

Natural Chicken Keeping wants to share your experience!

We do stick to certain guidelines for the things we publish on the blog, so stories you submit need to fit the following criteria:

  • Should not push the use of antibiotics, chemicals or other less-than-natural methods. (If you're a regular blog reader, this will seem like a no-brainer - LOL.)
  • Should be factual - We love links with scientific/organic back-up or other types of "proof" that a method works. If it is personal experience, share the details that help us understand how and why your method works.
  • Personal stories are fine too! Did you have success saving a chicken's life using natural methods? Do you just have a fun story about something that happened with your chickens? Do you have interesting observations to share? Did you build a coop that you're proud of?
  • Photos! Photos are wonderful if you have them, but don't worry if you don't. For certain subjects I may be able to either use photos I have taken in the past, or capture a few with relevance. (Just call me the one-armed photo bandit...)
  • And yes - if you have your own blog and there is an article you wrote in the past that you think is worth sharing, we can publish that too.
Natural Chicken Keeping retains the right to decide which articles to publish and to edit articles for grammar, spelling and content - but YOU will receive credit for your article if we publish it (and a link back to your personal blog or website if you have one).

By submitting an article, you are giving Natural Chicken Keeping permission to use your fantastic article content on the Natural Chicken Keeping Blog and site. You will be given credit for your content and an offer to link back to your own blog or website. Natural Chicken Keeping reserves the right to post submitted content where it is deemed fit and for as long as we see fit. Natural Chicken Keeping has a great respect for the readers and guest bloggers it serves!

So - let's work together as the awesome community of natural chicken (poultry) keepers that we are, and share, share, share!!

You may post content on our Forum HERE or email me at



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