Thursday, July 4, 2013

Welcome to Chick-Aholics Anonymous

Hi. My name is Leigh and I've been a chick-aholic for 11 months and 7 days and 15 hours. 

It all started with 4 guineas and 5 chicks. At that time I knew I could control it. I could quit any time I wanted.

I was wrong! Somehow I managed to get into the "wrong crowd." The chicken crowd. They were like me. They enabled me. Some even offered to give me chickens for free. They'd say things like, "What's just one more? You have the space! You know you want one!"  I even got my children addicted.

Before I knew it, my eyes were blood-shot from waking at an ungodly hour to the crowing of a rooster or four. I was crawling through piles garbage in desperation, looking for wood scraps and used hardware so I could build more coops. My clothes became covered in dirt, feathers, feed and chicken poop. 

I couldn't stop. I even started writing about chickens, learning everything I could about them, and sharing this dangerous information with others... I had become an enabler myself. I found myself telling people how to keep grow their own chickens organically... naturally... and then...

I became a dealer. 

I went so far as to ship fertile hatching eggs... the very seeds of the addiction... to other unsuspecting people. And they became addicts too.

So today I stand before you, a full-fledged chicken addict. My only solace is knowing that most of the people reading this have their own understanding of this issue. You get me. You know what it's like to count your chickens before they've hatched (or been shipped) and feel that high when you see those critters running headlong across the yard... to YOU! 

Well, my friends - we have only ourselves to blame... well... and all those other chicken addicts, enablers and dealers too... 

And there is only ONE cure!




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